Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Visual Literacy

Visual Literacy is a our connection to understanding what we hear. When foreigners travel to unknown land sometimes they can only identify restrooms, restaurants, police stations etc. by the signs and symbols or gestures. Analyzing and interpreting pictures can convey many meaningful messages in the classroom . The use of pictures help the students to connect to the lessons by prompting critical thinking. Visual images helps to support thoughts by means of producing images in the mind. Sometimes, colors also can help change a child's mood. For example on a cold and wet day, a nice bright yellow sun can help change the feeling of a dreary day. In my class, I use graphic organizers as a visual to help organize thoughts and patterns and ideas. Also, I would use hypertext and hypermedia as a problem solving and research strategy. . This is a great way to discovery learning and solve real problems. Power point presentations has been a great favorite of young children especially with animations and talking videos. Also, the students enjoy when the produce their own videos as a cooperative grouping project. Internet usage is now a necessity for me in my classroom because it supports my student's learning more effectively, especially with the usage visual support on the Internet. The children also look forward to the viewing and finding visuals to support the lessons too. This a great motivator and also it keep the students asking questions and seeking information.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The importance of using a variety of instructional strategies and the value they add to the education of students in the 21st Century.

There are many kinds of learners in our society. It is best practice to use a variety of methods when teaching students. In order to adequately prepare our students in the 21st century we must support their needs by implying various learning styles. Learner styles such as the auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning. The computer supports each one of the learners along with the perspectives of behaviorist, cognitive, constructivist, and social psychological aspects of learning. Technology enables the learners to practice and focus effectively. Technology also fosters creativity, problem solving, production, communication, critical thinking and content learning.